Domestic Assault Lawyer Abbotsford
Domestic Assault Lawyer Abbotsford: Any criminal allegation is serious and should be addressed aggressively. Charges in the domestic context are very disruptive to your family life. When common assault charges are laid in the domestic context, normally if the accused does not have a history of criminal charges, they are released from the police station after signing a promise to appear to court and an undertaking that includes several conditions of release.
Domestic assault lawyer Abbotsford: The conditions of release usually include a no contact order which is intended to prevent the accused from communicating with the alleged victim. There is almost always an exception, whereby contact through a lawyer is permitted. Breach of these conditions are treated very seriously, normally jail time is the penalty and sometimes bail hearings are required for clients to obtain their release again pending trial.
It is important to speak with a lawyer from the start. The lawyer can advocate for you prior to your initial arrest and detention and ensure that you are not trapped with untenable conditions. They can help you vary or vacate your conditions and they can then help you address the substantive issues pertaining to your charges. Our lawyers are chosen for their effectiveness at all these elements of defending clients that are charged with domestic assault allegations.
Domestic assault lawyer Abbotsford: We are a network of lawyers that practice in Abbotsford and elsewhere throughout British Columbia.
We offer a free initial consultation. Our phone lines are open anytime that you wish to call us with any inquiries you may have.
Enforcing your legal rights is contingent on your diligence on your part with contacting and retaining us.
We hope to hear from you at your earliest opportunity. You can contact us toll free and we commit to aligning you with the most appropriate lawyer for you within a matter of hours.