Appeal Lawyer Halifax
Appeal Lawyer Halifax

Appeal Lawyer Halifax: The skills required to be a successful appeal lawyer are very distinct from the normal skills that are commonly held by criminal defence lawyers.  Good appeal lawyers are far rarer than good criminal lawyers.

Although Halifax is the largest city in the Maritime Provinces, traditionally, the options for strong appeal lawyers is far thinner that the talent pool in more populated areas such as the Greater Toronto Area. 

At Legal Access we try to level the playing field by providing options for representation for people in Halifax from lawyers beyond those that reside in Halifax or throughout Nova Scotia.  Obviously, we have lawyers that live right here in Halifax as well.  However, the availability of attending court virtually through video link has made hiring a lawyer from outside of the geographical area of your court more cost efficient than ever.

Appeal lawyer Halifax:  Specialized knowledge is required to be a successful appeal lawyer.  For that reason, having a focus on appeals is a prerequisite of being a part of our team.

Although we began as primarily a criminal appeal service provider, we are far more than that now.  We have regulatory appeal lawyers, administrative appeal lawyers, civil appeal lawyers and much more.

Appeal lawyer Halifax:  We are available day and night, any day of the year for a free consultation.  The aim of our consultation is to match you with the best lawyer for you.

Although appeals are our focus and our primary goal is overturning decisions that should have never been made, we also deal with ancillary orders and hearings that are related to appeal hearings.  In the criminal context, obtaining bail pending appeal is normally one of our primary goals in relation to serious appeals from indictable offences.

Call us now to take advantage of our intake process that can help you on your path to righting a legal wrong.

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