Child Custody Lawyer Ottawa
Child Custody Lawyer Ottawa

Child Custody Lawyer Ottawa: Custodial matters take many forms. Sometimes there are urgent applications made from a parent who is being rejected access to their child. We have represented clients on both sides on these applications. Whether you have a court order or you and your child or children’s other parent came to an informal agreement, if you are being rejected access you should speak to one of our lawyers.

On the other hand, if you are concerned that providing access to your child or children’s other parent is not in their best interest, obtaining a legal opinion about this is important. Having a written legal opinion can add objectivity and legitimacy to your parenting decisions.  It is also important that you seek to obtain court orders or variations of existing orders rather than unilaterally deciding issues indefinitely.  Doing the latter is dangerous for you and the child or children.

Child Custody Lawyer Ottawa: We are Legal Access.  We have are a network of Family Lawyers who practice in and around Ottawa.  Our lawyers were selected for their proven abilities with obtaining results for their clients. 

We offer a free consultation to understand your particular circumstances.  We then match you with the most appropriate lawyer  that will put you in the best position to improve your custodial arrangement or provide you with advice that can help you legally act in a way that is in the best interest of your child or children.

After your free initial consultation, many of the lawyers within our network offer a courtesy discount for clients that are referred through our service.

Child Custody Lawyer Ottawa: Our toll free line operates 24 hours a day, seven days per week.  Also, the lawyers within our network were chosen for their demonstrated track record of being accessible to their clients. We are Legal Access.  We have a network of Family Lawyers who practice in and around Ottawa.  Our lawyers were selected for their proven abilities with obtaining results for their clients. 

Our toll free line operates 24 hours a day, seven days per week.  Also, the lawyers within our network were chosen for their demonstrated track record of being accessible to their clients.

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