Sexual assault lawyer Moncton

Sexual Assault lawyer Moncton: If you are charged with a sexual assault, you are already well aware that you should take action forthwith to protect your legal interests. There is a massive difference between being charged with sexual assault and being convicted of sexual assault.  A conviction in many circumstances almost inevitably results in a period of incarceration. It is therefore critical that you aggressively defend yourself. In order to defend […]

Sexual Assault Lawyer Halifax

Sexual Assault lawyer Halifax: The me too era has certainly increased the likelihood that men are charged with sex related offences under the Criminal Code of Canada. Sexual Assault lawyer Halifax: Obviously, being charged with sexual assault is scary and life-altering for an accused person and their family.  There are many important steps to take to ensure that you vigorously defend yourself against a sexual assault charge and related charges.  The first […]

DUI lawyer Langley City

DUI lawyer Langley City: If you are charged with impaired driving, just as any other person accused of a criminal offence you are entitled to be presumed innocent until proven guilty before a court of competent jurisdiction. One of the operating principles of our company is that accused people should not dispense with the liberties and interests without a fight.  Our talented criminal defence lawyers are happy to be the ally […]

DUI lawyer Sydney NS

DUI lawyer Sydney NS: We are Legal Access, a network of criminal defence lawyers who focus their practices on impaired driving defence. Being charged with any criminal offence means that you are in jeopardy of drastic change to your life. Being charged with impaired driving under the Criminal Code of Canada comes with jeopardy that is peculiar to impaired driving and related accusations. With most summary offences under the Criminal […]

DUI lawyer Amherst NS

DUI lawyer Amherst NS: Although Amherst is a small town, they have always had the benefit of their proximity to Halifax and Moncton when choosing talented lawyers.  In the criminal context, one historical inequality in terms of access to justice was that accused people with greater resources could afford travel expenses for high end lawyers.  One symptom of Covid 19 which levels the playing field a bit is the inclination of […]

DUI Lawyer New Brunswick

DUI lawyer New Brunswick: If you are facing charges of impaired driving, refusal of a breathalyzer or any related offences that arose anywhere in New Brunswick, we are here to help. If you do not currently have a criminal record, avoiding a criminal record is paramount. We have a network of lawyers and each has their own unique skill set with regard to defending people accused of impaired driving and […]

DUI Lawyer Thompson

DUI lawyer Thompson: If you are accused of an impaired driving offence and you’ve never been convicted of an impaired charge before, in most cases, deciding to run a trial is a no brainer.  If you plead guilty, you will certainty have a criminal record for life as a result, and a one year driving prohibition plus a fine.  If you run a trial and you are unsuccessful, your punishment will be […]

DUI lawyers Saskatchewan

DUI lawyers Saskatchewan: We are Legal Access.  We are a well developed network of criminal lawyers who have focused their careers on successfully defending accused people who have been charged with impaired driving. Each lawyer on our team is high end and has a proven track record with respect to at least one subcategory of impaired driving defence.  We carefully assess your case to match you with the right lawyer for you. […]

DUI lawyer GTA

DUI lawyer GTA: We are much more than a law firm.  We are a network of legal practitioners and analysts that evaluate lawyers to help put you in the best position to beat your case. Determining which DUI lawyer is best suited for you requires consideration of your legal case, your financial circumstances and your goals. DUI lawyer GTA: Even if we assume that you have unlimited resources, and your goal […]

DUI Lawyer Victoria BC

DUI lawyer Victoria BC: Many people in Victoria have life altering convictions for impaired driving. The costly consequences of such convictions can be avoided with the help of one of our talented impaired driving lawyers. DUI lawyer Victoria BC: Our lawyers are chosen to be on our team based on a large number of criteria.  For example, rather than dabble in impaired driving defence and many other practice areas, our lawyers […]

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