DUI Lawyer Belleville

DUI Lawyer Belleville

DUI Lawyer Belleville, Ontario: DUI is an acronym for Driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol.  This is a criminal charge pursuant to section 253 of the Criminal Code of Canada and is also referred to as DWI – Driving while intoxicated – or impaired driving.  If you have been charged with this offence it is important to act quickly.  A lawyer can help you navigate through the administrative driving suspensions that you receive prior to your first appearance in provincial court and more importantly help you prepare for your arraignment and subsequent defence.  When lay people are charged with a DUI, they are often unable to visualize a defence. Our lawyers will explain your options in terms of Charter challenges and technical defences to impaired charges.

DUI Lawyer Belleville:  If you are charged with a DUI it is important that you do everything in your power to avoid a conviction because a conviction carries a criminal record, a lengthy driving suspension, potential loss of insurance coverage, a fine and many more implications.  If you find yourself charged for a second time, it is important to recognize that the criminal code has mandatory minimums that include incarceration.  Our lawyers will do anything possible to ensure that you get the best result possible.

We have a team of lawyers to choose from that have many years of experience concentrating on these specific charges in your area. Our lawyers are selected for their proven track record of results.  It is important to act with a sense of urgency because your options are reduced if you wait too long to obtain counsel and delay caused by you can have other negative consequences. We operate seven days a week, 365 days a year and our phone lines are always open so that we can ensure that we set you in the right direction immediately.

If you are considering hiring a DUI lawyer in Belleville you should absolutely do so and you should call us now.

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