DUI Lawyer Ottawa

DUI Lawyer Ottawa

DUI Lawyer Ottawa: If you are charged with impaired driving of a motor vehicle it is important to seek a lawyer in Ottawa and to do so without delay. At your arraignment (your first court appearance) the judge will want to know if you have counsel. To begin in the good graces of the court you would want to appear at that date with counsel so as to avoid unnecessary delay. You will also want to get advice and strategize with a lawyer as quickly as possible so as to make the inevitable delay of the proceedings attributable to the crown or court and not you or defense counsel.

DUI Lawyer Ottawa: You have a right to a trial and you should have your lawyer obtain and review your disclosure and ensure it is complete to review it for triable issues. There are many technical defences to impaired driving charges as well as challenges available in some circumstances pursuant to the Charter of Rights and Freedoms. If you were charged with a DUI or any other driving related offences the first thing you should do is consult a lawyer. Legal Access has you covered as we have a large network of some of the most experienced practicing lawyers in Ottawa.

A consultation with an Ottawa DUI lawyer can happen on the phone or in person in an area convenient for you so that you can assess the viability of pursuing representation from one of our lawyers. We can align you with one of the most experienced DUI Lawyers. You can call us for a free consultation to see how we can help you find the right lawyer for your case. We are here to help and we can’t stress that enough, we want you to focus on all the other daily things you have to do and we will focus on getting you the legal counsel you deserve to have.





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