DUI Lawyer Stratford

DUI Lawyer Stratford

DUI Lawyer Stratford, Ontario: If you have been charged with a DUI it is vital that you seek counsel immediately. We have a conglomeration of experienced and effective lawyers who focus on DUI’s in your region. Driving under the influence also known as driving while intoxicated is a serious criminal allegation. Although being charged results in an administrative suspension it does not result in a criminal record unless and until you’re convicted. Our lawyers seek to ensure that you are never convicted. If you hire one of our lawyers you can rest assured that they will do everything in their power to obtain the best resolution of your matter possible. 

DUI Lawyer Stratford: If you have a medical form of alcoholism it is important to understand that a curative discharge is an option that may result in you avoiding a criminal record. A curative discharge requires technical understanding of the nuances of the provisions of the criminal code related to a curative discharge. This is just one example of the avenues that you can pursue. Through our knowledgeable litigants. Another important consideration is your charter rights. If your charter rights were violated in the apprehension of the exculpating evidence our lawyers will seek to have that evidence ruled inadmissible. If this happens the crown may be forced to dismiss or withdraw your charges.

We are determined to link you with one or more of our lawyers to add your charges to a list of charges that we have already succeeded in defeating. We work tirelessly and diligently to offer effective representation and advocacy in Stratford. Our phone lines are open day and night every day of the calendar year. The first step is the initial consultation. We have a roaster of lawyers available anytime you may need them. It is important that you do not cause delay in defending yourself. Therefor if you have been charged with a DUI call us immediately.



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